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our ethics and corporate responsibility

at Flat Roof Farm we try to work to make a difference. that means for today, tomorrow and the future. all of us are integral to our planet and our own communities.


we once heard a quote that stuck with us - "it's the little things you do over a long period of time that makes the biggest difference".


  • local - where possible we buy local everything - that means from vegetables and ingredients to beer and admin. we prefer to buy our produce when its in season in the uk,  now it's not always possible but we feel we can gradually do this over time. it's a process but we are well on the road

  • sustainability - our aim is to be carbon negative, it might take a while, but we will keep striving forward. our glass jars are currently made with 40% recycled glass here in the uk. after consumption of the food the glass can be 100% recycled at glass recycling points

  • community volunteer -  we have a policy that anyone who works at the farm has to do at least an hour of voluntary a week minimum for other groups, organisations or charities. we are currently at 3-4hours average per person. it's up to the individual what they do as long as they do it

  • charity - we like to help out charities too. we have previously raised monies for Scouts and for WaterAid. we even donated free hot food and drink to all 'community support' staff that were doing an evening shift one cold market evening

  • reducing waste - we hate the idea of food being thrown away so strive to make use of as much as possible, for example we blend our apple peel with lemon juice to add texture and flavour to our apple sauce

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